Wir sind fest entschlossen, die Immobilienvermarktung mit unserem Ecosystem auf den Kopf zu stellen. Wir haben die Customer Journey revolutioniert, denn wir wollen mehr! Mehrwert, sowohl fĂŒr unsere Kunden als auch fĂŒr deren Interessenten. Als fĂŒhrender Innovator in der digitalen Immobilienvermarktung bieten wir ihnen, was sie wirklich brauchen – und nicht das, was sie bisher kennen.
Unser Versprechen
an unsere Kunden
Wir streben danach, uns stĂ€ndig weiterzuentwickeln und zu verbessern. Wir sind offen fĂŒr Feedback, lernen aus unseren Erfahrungen und streben nach kontinuierlicher Verbesserung in allem, was wir tun. Die BedĂŒrfnisse und Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden stehen im Mittelpunkt unserer BemĂŒhungen. Wir streben danach, ihre Erwartungen zu ĂŒbertreffen und langfristige, erfolgreiche Beziehungen aufzubauen. Wir setzen hohe Standards fĂŒr uns selbst und streben nach herausragender QualitĂ€t in allem, was wir tun – sei es in unseren Produkten, Dienstleistungen oder im Kundenservice.
Unser Versprechen
an unser Team
With our Ecosystem of Experience, we consistently rely on pioneering solutions in real time.
We combine unique digital shopping experiences with efficient and automated processes that have never existed before in real estate marketing. We are willing to constantly improve and push the boundaries of what is possible in order to inspire and establish ourselves as market leaders.
We rely on a perfect interaction between strategy, sales, development, production and an unbeatable team that delivers top performance with joy and fun.
With our Ecosystem of Experience, we consistently rely on pioneering solutions in real time.
We combine unique digital shopping experiences with efficient and automated processes that have never existed before in real estate marketing. We are willing to constantly improve and push the boundaries of what is possible in order to inspire and establish ourselves as market leaders.
We rely on a perfect interaction between strategy, sales, development, production and an unbeatable team that delivers top performance with joy and fun.
With our Ecosystem of Experience, we consistently rely on pioneering solutions in real time.
We combine unique digital shopping experiences with efficient and automated processes that have never existed before in real estate marketing. We are willing to constantly improve and push the boundaries of what is possible in order to inspire and establish ourselves as market leaders.
We rely on a perfect interaction between strategy, sales, development, production and an unbeatable team that delivers top performance with joy and fun.
Unsere Werte
- GrĂŒndung B-VR Switzerland GmbH
- Aufbau Projektmanagement
- Entwicklung Navigator mit Drehfassade & Sonnenstand
- Entwicklung Konfigurator in Unreal in Zusammenarbeit mit begehungen.de
- GrĂŒndung einer R&D-Abteilung fĂŒr permanente Weiterentwicklungen aller Produkte und technischen Workflows
- Lancierung 1. Realtime Tour webtauglich inkl. Rendertool
- Entwicklung AR-Tools
- Navigator 4.1
- GrĂŒndung BEYONITY (Fusion B-VR & begehungen.de)
- GrĂŒndung Sales- Gesellschaften Deutschland & Schweiz
- Entwicklung Living Configurator auf Real Time Basis
- Entwicklung Portfolio Navigator
- Gewinner Swiss Real Estate Award (BĂ€reTower)
- Q4 Ăbernahme Gesamtleitung durch Oliver & Christina Grimm & Yannick Hediger
- Aufbau Sales Abteilung
- Aufbau Design Abteilung
- Implementierung Portfolio Navigator
- GrĂŒndung Sales- Gesellschaften in MENA, IBERIA & America
- Gewinner SVIT Award (Portfolio Navigator Previs)
- Entwicklung Portfolio Overview
- Entwicklung Configurator Commercial
- Entwicklung Navigator 5.0 (E-Commerce Shop)
- Aufbau Globale Marketing Abteilung
- Launch Navigator 5.0 (E-Commerce Shop)
- Implementierung Portfolio Overview
- NEW Living & Commercial Configurator
- Launch Real Time Tour (Unreal Engine) in Pixel Streaming
- Launch X-Sports 3D Ticketing
- Digitalisierung der ersten Kundenportfolios (11 Mrd.) in der Schweiz mit dem Portfolio Navigator
Lernen Sie
uns kennen
Fabian Hammer
Regional Director | DACH
David Huber
Regional Director | DACH
Pascal Foelix
Regional Director | America
Osama Soady
Regional Director | MENA
Xavier Benasco
Regional Director | Iberia
Miguel Angel Morala Perez
Comercial | Iberia
Director of Business Development | Iberia
Matthias Ryntowt
Head of Operations
Oguz Eskici
Project Leader
Yannick Howald
Project Leader
Julien Dornbierer
Project Leader
JoĂ«lle FlĂŒkiger
Project Leader
Julia Schafer
Project Leader
Oliver Grimm
CEO & Chairman of the Board of Directors
Yannick Hediger
Operational Board of Directors
Bruno Olic
Board of Directors Finance
Daniel Gehrig
Board of Directors Legal
Herbert Zaugg
Board of Directors Acquisition
Christina Grimm
Chief Improvement Officer (CIO)
Jan JĂŒrgensen
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Paulo Fernandes
Head of Marketing
Nina Ballif
Marketing Coordinator
Susanne BĂŒrki
Accounting | Switzerland
Jan Junker
Executive Advisor
Simon Flöge
Head of CGI
Sonja Dietz
3D Artist & Project Organization
Max Riedel
3D Artist & Project Organization
Charmaine Mueras Jimenez
3D Artist
Nikola Deyanov
Senior 3D Artist
Cenan Bayramoglu
Senior 3D Artist
Simona Di Marco
Senior 3D Artist
Emre GĂŒntĂŒrkĂŒn
3D Artist
Ivan Vostryakov
3D Artist
Belen Garcia Molina
Senior 3D Artist
Lisa Hesselbarth
Art Director
Rui Zhao
Head of Pre-Production
Ulrike Hintreich
Project Organization
Robert Rathnow
Head of Research & Development
Jacobo Garcia de Hoyos
Research & Development
Martin Hoppe
Visual Engineer
Abdelrahman Ibrahim
Head of Product | UX
Ayça GĂŒntĂŒrkĂŒn
Product Designer | UX
Masha Kovarski
IT & Services
Noa Nee
IT & Services
Timo Schneider
Head of Web
Willi Bölke
Web Developer
Aroua Sdiri
Web Developer
Osama Ibrahim
Web Developer
Amr Gaballah
Web Developer
Thorsten MĂŒller
Web & Media
Katharina JĂŒrgensen
Media Design | HR
Werde auch du Teil des Teams
Bitte sende uns deinen Lebenslauf, dein Portfolio und deine Motivation.